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R1-R5. Liver Meridian

2016.12.13 07:55

Simon Kisoo Song Views:9725

R1. Using your finger, trace the pathway of the Liver channel on your own body.

손가락을 이용하여, 당신 자신의 몸에 간경(肝經) 유주(流注) 따라 가보세요.


R2. In which main area of disease is LIV-1 Dadun an important point?

Answer: In the treatment of Hernial and Genitourinary Disorders (shan diseases).

대돈(大敦)( 어느 질병의 영역에 요혈(要穴)인가?

() 탈장(脫腸), 비뇨생식기(泌尿生殖器) 질환/ 산증(疝症) 치료


R3. Which Liver point would you use to stop bleeding caused by Liver-Fire?

Answer: LIV-2 Xingjian.

간화(肝火) 인한 출혈(出血) 지혈(止血)하는데사용하는 간경(肝經) ()?

() 행간(行間)()


R4. With which area of the body is LIV-5 Ligou associated?

Answer: The genital and urinary area.

(蠡溝)()은 인체의 어느 영역과 유관한가?

() 비뇨(泌尿)생식(生殖) 영역


R5. LIV-14 Qimen is a Front Collecting (Mu) point for which organ?

Answer: The Liver.

기문(期門)() 어느 장부의 복모혈(腹募穴)인가?

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