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O1-O5. Pericardium Meridian

2016.11.22 09:07

Simon Kisoo Song Views:9940

O1. Using your finger, trace the pathway of the Pericardium channel on your own body.

손가락을 이용하여, 당신 자신의 몸에 심포경(心包經) 유주(流注) 따라 가보세요.


O2. Which Pericardium point is the point of choice to treat arrhythmia and palpitations?

Answer: PE-4 Ximen.

부정맥(不整脈) 심계(心悸) 치료하는 선혈(選穴) 심포경(心包經) 경혈(經穴)?



O3. Which point is the River and Metal point, and is the meeting point of the three Yin channels of the arm?

Answer: PE-5 Jianshi.

경혈(經穴), 금혈(金穴)이면서, ()삼음경(三陰經)  교회혈(交會穴)?

() 간사(間使)


O4. Which Pericardium point would you use to treat neck ache?

Answer: PE-6 Neiguan.

경부(頸部) 통증(痛症) 치료에 사용하는 심포경(心包經) 경혈(經穴)?

() 내관(內關)


O5. What is the most important function of PE-7 Daling?

Answer: Calming the Mind.

대릉(大陵)() 가장 중요한 공효(功效)?

() 안신(安神)