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E1-E8 (Spleen Patterns)

2016.09.13 13:31

Simon Kisoo Song Views:10399


E1. When might a woman be particularly prone to an invasion of exterior Dampness?

Answer: During puberty, during each period and after childbirth.

여성(女性)이 특별히 외습(外濕)의 침습(侵襲)을 받기 쉬운 때는?

() 사춘기(思春期), 월경(月經) () 혹은 출산(出産) ()


E2. What eating habits can cause Spleen-Qi deficiency?

Answer: Excessive consumption of cold and raw foods, eating at irregular times, excessive eating, eating too little or eating a protein-deficient diet.

어떤 식습관(食習慣) 비기허(脾氣虛) 유발할 있는가?

() 과식생냉(過食生冷), 불규칙적(不規則的) 식사(食事), 과식(過食), 소식(少食) 혹은 단백질(蛋白質) 결핍(缺乏) 음식(飮食) 섭취하는 .


E3. What is the pathology of weak limbs and tiredness in the pattern of Spleen-Qi deficiency?

Answer: The Spleen transports Food-Qi to the four limbs and throughout the body. If Spleen-Qi is deficient, the limbs and body will be deprived of nourishment and feel weak and tired.

비기허(脾氣虛)에서 사지무력(四肢無力) 및 피곤(疲困)의 병리(病理)?

() ()는 곡기(穀氣)를 사지(四肢) 및 전신(全身)에 운송(運送)한다. 만약 비기(脾氣)가 허()하면 사지(四肢) 및 신체(身體)는 자양(滋養)되지 못하여 무력(無力)하고 피곤(疲困)을 느낀다.   


E4. Why is a wet tongue associated with Spleen-Yang deficiency?

Answer: Because of the impairment in the Spleen’s transformation and transportation of fluids.

비양허(脾陽虛) 젖은 () 결부되는가?

() () 수액(水液) 운송(運送) 전화(轉化) 공능(功能) 장애(障碍) 있기 때문이다.


E5. A female patient presents with poor appetite, abdominal fullness, a feeling of heavy head and body, vaginal discharge and has a pale tongue with a sticky white coating. Which pattern do you suspect?

Answer: Cold-Dampness invading the Spleen.

여성(女性)환자(患者)가 식욕부진(食慾不振), 복만(服滿), 두신곤중(頭身困重), 대하(帶下), 담백설(淡白舌) 백니태(白膩苔)가 있다. 의심할 만한 병증(病證)?

() 한사범비(寒邪犯脾)


E6. What is a common clinical precursor to a chronic pattern of Damp-Heat invading the Spleen?

Answer: Spleen-Qi deficiency and Heat (often in the Stomach).

만성적(慢性的)인 습열범비(濕熱犯脾)()의 임상적(臨床的) 전조(前兆) 증상(症狀)?

() 비기허(脾氣虛) 및 열()-종종 위열(胃熱)


E7. What key symptoms would you look for to diagnose the pattern Spleen- and Heart-Blood deficiency?

Answer: Palpitations, insomnia, tiredness, loose stools and scanty periods.

심비혈허(心脾血虛)()으로 진단(診斷)하기 위하여 찾는 주증(主症)?

() 심계(心悸), 불면(不眠), 피곤(疲困), 변당(便溏), 경량소(經量少)


E8. What is the pathology of Heat symptoms in the combined pattern Obstruction of Spleen by Dampness with Stagnation of Liver-Qi?

Answer: If the Spleen is deficient and fails in its function of transformation and transportation, fluids accumulate into Dampness. Dampness obstructs the flow of Qi in the Middle Burner. After a long period of time, the obstruction of Dampness gives rise to Heat.

비습체(脾濕滯) 간기울결(肝氣鬱結) 겸증(兼證)에서 ()증상(症狀) 병리(病理)?

() 비기허(脾氣虛)이면 운화(運化)공능(功能) 실조(失調) 진액(津液) ()으로 적체(積滯)된다.  () 중초(中焦) 기기(氣機) 방해(妨害)한다. 오랜 습조(濕阻) () 야기한다.