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C1-C8 (Liver Patterns)

2016.08.28 22:33

Simon Kisoo Song Views:6476

1. What are the functions of the Liver?

Answer: The Liver stores Blood, ensures the smooth flow of Qi, controls the sinews, manifests in the nails, opens into the eyes, controls tears, houses the Ethereal Soul, and is affected by anger.

()의 공능(功能)?

() 장혈(藏血), 소설(疏泄)공능(功能), 주근(主筋), 기화재조(其華在爪), 개규목(開竅目), 주루(), 장혼(藏魂), ()의 정지(情志)


2. Give three general characteristics of Liver pathology.

Answer: Rapid changes (skin conditions); up-and-down fluctuation (energy levels, mood); irritability; pain; eye problems; distension; gynaecological problems.

()의 세 가지 일반적(一般的)인 병리(病理)를 열거하시오?

() 삭변(數變)(피부조건); 조요(躁擾)(에너지 레벨, 기분); 번조(煩躁); 통증(痛症); 안질(眼疾); 팽창(膨脹); 부인과(婦人科) 문제(問題).


3. What are the two most important signs/symptoms to diagnose Liver-Qi stagnation?

Answer: A feeling of distension and a Wiry pulse.

간기울결(肝氣鬱結)로 진단(診斷)하는 가장 중요한 두 가지 증상(症狀)?

() 팽창감(膨脹感), 현맥(弦脈)

4. How might the tongue tell you that Liver-Qi stagnation had turned into Heat?

Answer: The tongue might have red sides.

간기울결(肝氣鬱結) 화화(化火) 되는 설상(舌象)?

() 설변홍(舌邊紅)


5. If Liver-Qi ‘rebels’ horizontally into the epigastrium, what pattern might you diagnose? Give two key symptoms of this pattern.

Answer: Rebellious Liver-Qi, with symptoms of belching, irritability and a Wiry pulse (on the Liver and Stomach positions).

간기(肝氣)  위완(胃脘)으로 횡역(橫逆)하면, 당신의 변증(辨證)? 그리고 변증(辨證) 가지 주증(主症)?

() 애역(), 번조(煩躁) 있는 간기상역(肝氣上逆), 현맥(弦脈) (관부).


6. What is the main acupuncture point to use if Liver-Qi invades the Stomach?

Answer: LIV-14 Qimen.

간기범위(肝氣犯胃) 경우의 자침(刺針) 선혈(選穴)?

() 기문(期門)(14)


7. What are the most important symptoms of stagnant Blood in the Uterus?

Answer: Dark clotted menstrual blood and pain.

자궁(子宮) 어혈(瘀血)의 가장 중요한 증상(症狀)?

() 월경(月經) 암괴(暗塊) 및 통증(痛症)


8. What is the pathology of the dry stools and constipation in the pattern Liver-Fire Blazing?

Answer: The Fire dries up Body Fluids, causing Dryness in the Intestines.

간화상염(肝火上炎)에 있어서 건변(乾便), 변비(便秘)의 병리(病理)?

() ()가 진액(津液)을 말려 장도(腸道)의 건조(乾燥)함을 유발한다.