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5-48. A patient feels tired and is reluctant to talk, as if it is a huge effort. What might this indicate?

Answer: A Cold pattern or Lung-Qi deficiency.

환자가 피곤해하고, 말하기가 엄청난 노력인 듯 말하기를 싫어한다면?

() 한증(寒證) 혹은 폐기허(肺氣虛)   


5-49. An irritable patient suffers from frequent bouts of very loud hiccups. What pattern do you suspect?

Answer: Liver-Qi invading the Stomach.

짜증을 내는 환자가 소리가 큰 애역(, 딸꾹질)으로 고생하고 있다. 의심되는 병증(病證)?

() 간기범위(肝氣犯胃)


5-50. What is the pattern most commonly associated with sighing?

Answer: Qi stagnation of the Liver or the Lungs.

한숨과 가장 일반적으로 관련되는 병증(病證)?

() 간기울결(肝氣鬱結) 혹은 폐기(肺氣) 울체(鬱滯)


5-51. If a patient presents with a strong and offensive body odour, what general pattern would you investigate?

Answer: Damp-Heat.

환자에게 강하고 불쾌한 체취가 있다면, 일반적으로 어떤 병증(病證) 의심을 두는가?

() 습열(濕熱)


5-52. A patient complains of foul-smelling breath. Which organs do you suspect may be involved?

Answer: The organs of the digestive system, particularly the Stomach or Large Intestine.

환자가 구취(口臭)가 심하다면 어떤 장기가 관련되었다고 의심하는가?

() 소화기계(消化器系), 특히 위()나 대장(大腸)


5-53. Which pattern is commonly associated with foul-smelling flatulence?

Answer: Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine.

구취(口臭)/냄새가 심한 가운데 고창(鼓脹)이 있다면 통상적으로 관계되는 병증(病證)?
