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Principles of Treatment

2017.03.11 17:49

Simon Kisoo Song Views:10892

1. What are the two main meanings of the terms ‘Root’ and ‘Manifestation’?

Answer: (i) Root is the root of the condition and Manifestation is the clinical manifestations. (ii) Root is the original pattern and Manifestation is the deriving pattern.

() () 주가지 주요한 의미는?

() (i) () 질병(병증) 뿌리, () 임상(臨床)증상(症狀), (ii) () 원발성(原發性) 병증(病證), 표는 속발성(續發性) 병증(病證).


2. Under which conditions would you treat the Root of a disease only?

Answer: When the clinical manifestations reflect primarily the Root and they are few and mild.

질병의 어떤 상태에 () 치료하는가?

() 임상(臨床)증상(症狀) () 반영할 경우로서 증상(症狀) 경미(輕微) 경우.


3. Why would you treat both Root and Manifestation together in the case of a woman with Qi deficiency leading to excessive menstrual bleeding?

Answer: Because the longer she continues to bleed, the more it will perpetuate the Root problem of Qi Deficiency.

여성 환자가 기허(氣虛) 인한 월경(月經)시의 과도(過度) 출혈(出血) 있는 경우 표본(標本)겸치(兼治) 하는 이유는?

() 출혈(出血) 지속(持續)될수록 기허증(氣虛證) 문제의 근원을 영구화(永久化)하기 때문이다.


4. Under what circumstances would you treat the Manifestation first and the Root later?

Answer: In all cases where clinical manifestations are acute, severe or life threatening.

어떤 경우에 ()표치(標治) ()본치(本治) 하는가?

() 임상(臨床)증상(症狀) 급성(急性)이고 심각(深刻)하거나 생명(生命) 위협하는 경우.


5. Identify the Root and Manifestation in a case of trauma causing pain from stagnation of Qi and Blood in the shoulder.

Answer: In this case the Root (stagnation of Qi and Blood) and the Manifestation (pain) coincide.

견부(肩部) 기혈어체(氣血瘀滯) 인한 통증(痛症) 유발하는 외상(外傷) 경우, () () 설명하시오.

() 경우, () 기혈어체(氣血瘀滯), () 통증(痛症) 같이 발생한다


6. Does the Root always coincide with Deficiency, and the Manifestation with a pathogenic factor?

Answer: Often, but not always – for instance with Cold invading the Uterus causing Blood stasis (both Root and Manifestation are Full).

() 항상(언제나) () 부합되고, () 병인(病因) 부합되는가?

() 대개 그렇지만 항상은 아니다. 예를 들면 한사(寒邪) 방광(膀胱) 침범하여 혈어(血瘀) 유발한 경우이다. 경우(() () 모두 ()하다.


7. Give three ways of tonifying the Upright Qi, other than acupuncture.

Answer: Herbal treatment, exercise, diet, Qi Gong, meditation, and rest.

()외에 정기(正氣) 보하는 가지 방법은?

() 본초(本草), 운동(運動), 음식(飮食), 기공(氣功), 명상(瞑想), 휴식(休息)


8. Would you consider just tonifying the Upright Qi to treat an exterior condition?

Answer: No – exterior conditions are by definition of the Excess type, characterized by the presence of a pathogenic factor.

외감(外感)() 치료하기 위하여 정기(正氣)만을 ()하는 것을 생각할 있는가?

() 아니오-외감(外感)() 실증(實證) 정의(定義) 의하면 병사(病邪) 존재를 특징으로 한다.


9. A patient seems weak and sickly. All other clinical manifestations point towards the condition being Excess. Would you tonify or reduce?

Answer: If the pattern you have identified from the clinical manifestations is of an Excess nature, you should reduce, despite subjective feelings about the patient.

환자가 나약하고 병약(病弱) 보인다. 기타 모든 임상(臨床) 증상(症狀) ()하다. 당신은 () 것인가, () 것인가?

() 임상(臨床) 증상(症狀) 비추어 봐서 본질(本質) ()하다면, 환자에 대한 주관적인 느낌에도 불구하고 ()해야 한다.  


10. Would you tonify the Upright Qi and expel the pathogenic factor simultaneously in a case of an invasion of Wind-Heat?

Answer: No. In exterior conditions the pathogenic factor needs to be expelled before tonifying the Upright Qi.

풍열사(風熱邪) 침범한 경우, 부정(扶正) 거사(祛邪) 동시에 것인가?

() 아니오. 정기(正氣) 부보(扶補)하기 전에  외감(外感) 병사(病邪) 축출(逐出)한다