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T1-T10. Governing Vessel

2017.02.17 14:13

Simon Kisoo Song Views:11157

T1. Using your finger, trace the pathway of the Governing Vessel on your own body.

손가락을 이용하여당신 자신의 몸에 독맥(督脈) 유주(流注) 따라 가보세요.


T2. With which other Extraordinary Vessel is the point Du-1 Changchiang connected?

Answer: With the Directing Vessel (Du-1 Changchiang is the Connecting point).

장강(長强)()  교회(交會)하는 기경팔맥(奇經八脈)?

() 임맥(任脈)


T3. Give two indications for the use of Du-3 Yaoyangguan.

Answer: Any two of the following: lower backache, sciatica, stiffness of lumbar region, impotence, white leukorrhoea.

요양관(腰陽關)() 가지 주치(主治)?

() 다음 가지: 요통(腰痛), 좌골신경통(坐骨神經痛), 요부(腰部) 강직(强直), 양위(陽痿), 백대하(白帶下)


T4. Complete the following: ‘If the point Du-4 Mingmen is used with moxa, caution must be exercised, as it is a very_______ point. One must make sure not only that there is a deficiency of ______-____, but also that there is ________ ____.’

Answer: ‘If the point Du-4 Mingmen is used with moxa, caution must be exercised, as it is a very warming point. One must make sure not only that there is a deficiency of Kidney-Yang, but also that there is internal Cold.’

다음을 완성하시오. 명문(命門)() 시구(施灸) 경우, 매우 _____ 경혈(經穴)이므로 주의를 요한다. 시술자는 (환자가) ________허증(虛證)일뿐 아니라 _______() 있음임을 확인해야 한다.  

명문(命門)() 시구(施灸) 경우, 매우 따뜻한 경혈(經穴)이므로 주의를 요한다. 시술자는 (환자가) 신양허(腎陽虛)() 아니라  리한(裏寒)()임을 확인해야 한다.  


T5. What is the main action of Du-8 Jinsuo?

Answer: It extinguishes interior Wind (and relaxes the sinews).

근축(筋縮)() () 공효(功效)?

() 식풍(熄風) 서근(舒筋)


T6. With which organ is Du-11 Shendao associated?

Answer: The Heart.

신도(神道)() 어느 장부와 관계가 있는가?

() ()


T7. Complete the following: ‘Du-13 Taodao is effective in clearing lingering _______ ____ in post-viral fatigue syndrome.’

Answer: ‘Du-13 is effective in clearing lingering residual Heat in post-viral fatigue syndrome.’

다음을 완성하시오: 도도(陶道)()() 바이러스성 질환 피로증후군에서 여전히 남아있는

_________ ()하는데 효과적이다.

도도(陶道)() 바이러스성 질환 피로증후군에서 여전히 남아있는 복열(伏熱) ()하는데 효과적이다.


T8. What would be the effect of reinforcing Du-14 Dazhui with direct moxa?

Answer: It would tonify Yang (particularly Heart- and Kidney-Yang).

대추(大椎)() 직접구(直接灸) 함께 ()하면 어떤 효과가 있는가?

() 보양(補陽) 특히 심양(心陽) 신양(腎陽) ()하는 효과가 있다.


T9. Complete the following: ‘Du-16 is the point of the Sea of ______’.

Answer: ‘Du-16 is the point of the Sea of Marrow’.

다음을 완성하시오: 풍부(風府)() ___ 바다()

풍부(風府)() () ()


T10. What is the main action of Du-19 Houding?

Answer: It calms the Mind and opens the Mind’s orifices.

후정(後頂)() () 공효(功效)/작용(作用)?

() 안신(安神), ()심규(心竅)