M1-M10. Bladder Meridian
2016.11.08 16:27
M1. Using your finger, trace the pathway of the Bladder channel on your own body.
손가락을 이용하여, 당신 자신의 몸에 방광경(膀胱經)의 유주(流注)를 따라 가보세요.
M2. On which part of the head is BL-9 Yuzhen?
Answer: The back of the head.
옥침(玉枕)혈(穴)은 두부(頭部)의 어느 위치(位置)에 있는가?
M3. What is the nature of the point BL-10 Tianzhu, in terms of its energetic polarity and position?
Answer: Because of its polarity and position it is Yang in nature.
에너지의 양극성(兩極性) 및 위치(位置)의 측면(側面)에서 볼 때, 천주(天柱)혈(穴)의 본질(本質)은?
(답) 본질(本質)은 양(陽)
M4. Which point is the Gathering (Hui) point for Bones?
Answer: BL-11 Dazhu.
(답) 대저(大杼)혈(穴)
M5. Which is the Back Transporting point of choice to soothe the Corporeal Soul?
Answer: BL-42 Pohu.
영신(寧神)/안신(安神)작용이 있는 배유혈(背兪穴)은?
(답) 백호(魄戶)혈(穴)
M6. Which Back Transporting point is the Gathering (Hui) point for Blood?
Answer: BL17 Geshu.
(답) 격유(膈兪)혈(穴)
M7. Which Back Transporting point has the following indications: poor appetite, abdominal distension and pain, feeling of heaviness and prolapse of stomach or uterus?
Answer: BL-20 Pishu.
배유혈(背兪穴) 중(中) 식욕부진(食慾不振), 복창통(腹脹痛), 신중감(身重感), 위하수(胃下垂), 혹(或) 자궁하수(子宮下垂)에 쓰는 경혈(經穴)은?
(답) 비유(脾兪)혈(穴)
M8. Which is the Back Transporting point for the Triple Burner?
Answer: BL-22 Sanjiaoshu.
삼초(三焦)의 배유혈(背兪穴)은?
(답) 삼초유(三焦兪)
M9. Which point should always be employed for the treatment of chronic lower backache?
Answer: BL-23 Shenshu.
만성(慢性) 요통(腰痛)의 치료(治療)에 사용(使用)되는 경혈(經穴)은?
(답) 신유(腎兪)혈(穴)
M10. Which Bladder point has a dynamic Heat-clearing action by virtue of its being a Spring point?
Answer: BL-66 Tonggu.
형혈(滎穴)이라서 동적(動的) 청열(淸熱) 작용(作用) 이 있는 경혈(經穴)은?
(답) 통곡(通谷)혈(穴)