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H1. Using your finger, trace the pathway of the Large Intestine channel on your own body.

손가락을 이용하여, 당신 자신의 몸에 대장경(大腸經) 유주(流注) 따라 가보세요.


H2. Which is the Stream (Shu) and Wood point of the Large Intestine channel?

Answer: LI-3 Sanjian.

대장경(大腸經) 수혈(輸穴)이면서 목혈(木穴)?

() 삼간(三間)


H3. LI-4 Hegu particularly affects which area of the body?

Answer: The face.

합곡(合谷)() 특히 인체(人體) 어느 부분(部分) 영향(影響) 미치는가?

() 안면(顔面)


H4. Other than removing obstructions from the channel, what is the main action of LI-6 Pianli?

Answer: It regulates the Lung Water passages.

경락(經絡) 조폐(阻閉) 제거(除祛)하는  이외(以外), 편력(遍歷)() () 작용(作用)?

() 통조수도(通調水道)


H5. LI-10 Shousanli is sometimes compared to which other point?

Answer: ST-36 Zusanli.

수삼리(手三里)() 때로 어느 경혈(經穴) 비교(比較)되는가?

() 족삼리(足三里)()


H6. Which is the Earth/Tonification point of the Large Intestine channel?

Answer: LI-11 Quchi.

대장경(大腸經) 토혈(土穴) , ()하는 경혈(經穴)?

() 곡지(曲池)()


H7. What effect does LI-11 Quchi have on the Blood?

Answer: It cools the Blood.

곡지(曲池)() () 미치는 효과(效果)?

() 량혈(凉血)


H8. LI-14 Binao affects which sense organ?

Answer: The eyes.

비노(臂臑)() 어느 감각기관(感覺器官) 영향(影響) 미치는가?

() ()


H9. Which condition is frequently treated with the point LI-17 Tianding?

Answer: Goitre and thyroid problems.

천정(天鼎)() 어떤 증상(症狀) 치료(治療) 자주 사용되는가?

() 영류(癭瘤)/갑상선종(甲狀腺腫) 갑상선(甲狀腺) 문제(問題)


H10. A patient is a singer and has had lots of problems with their throat and voice, having been diagnosed with nodules on the vocal cords. Which point is particularly indicated?

Answer: LI-18 Futu.

어떤 환자(患者), 가수(歌手)인데 인후부(咽喉部) 성음(聲音) 문제(問題) 있고, 성대결절(聲帶結節) 있다고 진단(診斷) 받았다. 특별히 증상(症狀) 주치(主治)하는 경혈(經穴)?

() 부돌(扶突)