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G1-G5. Lung Meridian

2016.10.28 21:01

Simon Kisoo Song Views:9496

G1. Using your finger, trace the pathway of the Lung channel on your own body.

손가락을 이용하여, 당신 자신의 몸에 폐경(肺經) 유주(流注) 따라 가보세요.


G2. LU-2 Yunmen is a good point to treat if a patient has difficulty with which type of arm movement?

(Answer) Adducting the arm

운문(雲門)() 환자가 팔을 움직이기 힘든 증상(症狀) 치료(治療) 좋은 경혈(經穴)인가?

()  상비(上臂) 내전(內轉) 좋은 경혈이다.


G3. Which Lung point has the indication of treating forgetfulness?

Answer: LU-3 Tianfu.

폐경(肺經)에서 어느 경혈(經穴) 건망(健忘) 치료(治療)하는 작용(作用) 있나?

() 천부(天府)()


G4. Give two main functions of LU-6 Kongzui.

Answer: Any two of the following: stops pain; acute asthma, clears Lung-Heat, stops bleeding.

공최(孔最)() 가지 () 공능(功能)?

() 다음 가지: 지통(止痛), 급성(急性) 천식(喘息), 청폐열(淸肺熱), 지혈(止血)


G5. Which is the Luo-Connecting point of the Lungs?

Answer: LU-7 Lieque.

폐경(肺經) 락혈(絡穴)?

() 열결(列缺