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E1. Give two theories as to why the extraordinary vessels are called ‘extraordinary’.

Answer: Two of the following: (i) They do not belong to the main channel system. (ii) They do not have exterior–interior relationships. (iii) They add something to the channel system.

기경팔맥(奇經八脈) 기경(奇經) 이유(理由) 가지 이론(理論)?

() 다음 중의 가지: (i)기경(奇經) 정경(正經) 속하지 않는다.  (ii) 기경(奇經) 표리관계(表裏關係) 없다.  (iii) 경맥(經脈)시스템에 무언가 보탠다.  


E2. Explain how the extraordinary vessels are involved in mediating the Kidneys’ role of defense from exterior pathogenic factors.

Answer: The overflow Qi from the vessels irrigates the space between skin and muscles. Because all the extraordinary vessels derive from the Kidneys, this explains the Kidneys’ role in resistance to pathogenic factors.

기경팔맥(奇經八脈) 외사(外邪)를 방어(防禦)하는 신()의 역할(役割)에 어떻게 관여(關與)하는지를 설명하시오.

() ()의 유여(裕餘)는 주리(奏理)에 관개(灌漑)/주입(注入)한다. 기경팔맥(奇經八脈)은 신()에서 유래(由來)하기 때문에, 이것이 병사(病邪)에 대한 신()의 저항(抵抗)을 설명한다.   


E3. Complete the following: ‘The extraordinary vessels _________ the Six Extraordinary Yang Organs with the Internal Organs.’

Answer: ‘The extraordinary vessels integrate the Six Extraordinary Yang Organs with the Internal Organs.’

다음을 완성(完成)하시오: 기경팔맥(奇經八脈) 여섯 기항지부(奇恒之腑) 장부(臟腑) ______한다.

() 기경팔맥(奇經八脈) 여섯 기항지부(奇恒之腑) 장부(臟腑) 통합(統合)한다.


E4. With which orifice are the Yin and Yang Stepping Vessels (Yin and Yang Qiao Mai) associated?

Answer: The eyes.

어느 공규(孔竅) 양교맥() 관계(關係) 있는가?

() ()


E5. Which vessels are the first in line to absorb excesses of Yang or Yin in the Main channels?

Answer: The Yin and Yang Stepping Vessels.

정경(正經) 과도(過度) ()이나 () 흡수(吸收)하는 번째의 기경팔맥(奇經八脈)?

() 음교맥() 양교맥()


E6. The Yin Stepping Vessel is the offshoot of which channel?

Answer: The Kidney channel.

음교맥() 어느 경맥(經脈) 분파(分派)인가?

() 신경맥(腎經脈)


E7. Complete the following: ‘The two Linking Vessels (Yin and Yang Wei Mai) link the ___ and ____ channels and harmonize ________-________ and ________ Qi-Defensive Qi.’

Answer: The two Linking Vessels link the Yin and Yang channels and harmonize Interior–Exterior and Nutritive Qi–Defensive Qi.

다음을 완성(完成)하시오:  두 유맥(維脈) (음유맥(陰維脈), 양유맥(陽維脈)) ___()___()을 연결(連結)하고, _____ __()와 위기(衛氣)를 조화(調和)시킨다.

() 두 유맥(維脈) (음유맥(陰維脈), 양유맥(陽維脈))음맥(陰脈)양맥(陽脈)을 연결(連結)하고, 표리(表裏) 영기(營氣)와 위기(衛氣)를 조화(調和)시킨다.


E8. What is the main function of the Girdle Vessel (Dai Mai)?

Answer: It divides the body into two halves and harmonizes above and below.

대맥(帶脈) () 공능(功能)?

() 인체(人體) 상하(上下) 부분(部分)으로 나누며, 상하(上下) 조화(調和)시킨다.


E9. Which extraordinary vessel is seen to be the origin of the Stepping, Linking and Girdle Vessels, and was seen as the ‘Father’ of the ‘family’ of vessels?

Answer: The Penetrating Vessel.

기경팔맥(奇經八脈) () 어느 경맥(經脈) 교맥(), 유맥(維脈), 대맥(帶脈) 근원(根源)이며, 기경팔맥(奇經八脈) ()인가?

() 충맥(衝脈)


E10. Which points would you needle (and in which order) to open the Directing Vessel (Ren Mai)?

Answer: LU-7 Lieque and KI-6 Zhaohai, in that order.

임맥(任脈)과 통()하기 위하여 자침(刺針)하는 경혈(經穴)의 순서(順序)?

() 열결(列缺)()과 조해(照海)()