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5-86. List the four pathological patterns of Qi disharmony.

Answer: Qi deficient, Qi sinking, Qi stagnant and rebellious Qi.

()(부조화)병증(病證) 가지 유형(類型) 열거하시오.

() 기허(氣虛), 기함(氣陷), 기체(氣滯), 기역(氣逆)


5-87. Give three symptoms of Qi stagnation.

Answer: Feeling of distension, distending pain that moves from place to place, mental depression, irritability, gloomy feeling, frequent mood swings, frequent sighing.

기체(氣滯)의 세 가지 증상(症狀)을 드시오.

() 창만감(脹滿感), 창통(脹痛)(통처이동), 억울(抑鬱), 급조이노(急躁易怒), 비관(悲觀), 잦은 감정동요(感情動擾), 선태식(善太息)  


5-88. A patient presents with a sallow complexion, poor memory, insomnia, depression and slight anxiety. What pattern do you suspect?

Answer: Heart-Blood deficiency.

환자가 면색위황(面色萎黃, 누르스름한 안색), 건망(健忘), 불면(不眠), 억울(抑鬱), 약간의 조동(躁動)이 있다면 예상하는 병증(病證)?



5-89. Which organ is most frequently affected by stasis of Blood?

Answer: The Liver.

혈어(血瘀)로 가장 영향을 받는 장부(臟腑)?

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5-90. What are the characteristic manifestations of Liver-Blood Heat?

Answer: Skin diseases with itching, heat and redness.

간혈열(肝血熱) 특징적인 증상은?

() 가려움증, 열감, 붉은색을 동반한 피부병(皮膚病)


5-91. What dietary factors might lead to deficiency of Body Fluids?

Answer: Excessive consumption of drying foods (such as baked foods) or irregular eating.

인체의 진액부족(津液不足) 가져오는 음식물 인자(因子)?

() (구운 음식과 같은) 건조(乾燥) 음식의 과다(過多)섭취(攝取) 혹은 불규칙적(不規則的) 식사(食事)


5-92. What are the essential signs of Phlegm?

Answer: A Swollen tongue body, a sticky tongue coating and a Slippery or Wiry pulse.

() 필수적(必須的) 증상은?

() 반대설(胖大舌, 부은 ), 니태(膩苔) 활맥(滑脈) 혹은 현맥(弦脈)


5-93. What is the main symptom of non-substantial Phlegm in the channels?

Answer: Numbness.

경맥(經脈)에서 무형적(無形的)인 담()의 주()증상(症狀)?

() 마목감(痲木感)

5-94. Which organs are commonly affected by Phlegm-Heat?

Answer: The Lungs, the Stomach and the Heart.

담열(痰熱) ()하여 일반적으로 영향을 받는 장부는?

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5-95. What are the main signs and symptoms of Qi-Phlegm?

Answer: A feeling of swelling in the throat, difficulty in swallowing, a feeling of oppression of chest and diaphragm, irritability, moodiness, depression, a Wiry pulse.

기담(氣痰) () 증상(症狀)?

() 인후(咽喉) 종대감(腫大感), 탄인(呑咽)곤란(困難), 흉격(胸膈)만민(滿悶), 번조(煩躁), 침울(沈鬱), 억울(抑鬱), 현맥(弦脈)