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Question 5.33-5.40 (Palpation)

2016.06.25 22:41

Simon Kisoo Song Views:8987

5-33. What is meant when it is said that a pulse has ‘root’?

Answer: That both the deep level and the rear positions can be felt clearly, and thus the Kidneys are strong.

()()”이 있다 함은?

() 심부(深部)와 척부(尺部)가 분명(分明)히 느껴지는 것으로서, ()이 강()하다는 의미이다.


5-34. List the six basic stages of the procedure for pulse taking.

Answer: (i) Feel the pulse as a whole. (ii) Feel whether the pulse has spirit, Stomach-Qi and root. (iii) Feel the three levels and the three positions. (iv) Feel the strength of the pulse. (v) Feel the overall quality of the pulse. (vi) Feel the quality of individual pulse positions.

맥진(脈診) 여섯 가지 기본(基本) 단계(段階) 열거하시오.

() (i) 맥은 전체(全體)로서 감지한다. (ii) () (), 위기(胃氣) () 있는지를 감지한다. (iii) 삼부구후(三部九候) 감지한다. (iv) () ()함을 감지한다. (v) 전반적(全般的) 맥상(脈象) 감지한다. (vi) 각각(各各) 맥상(脈象) 감지한다.  


5-35. If the pulse is Floating and Tight, and the patient reports catching a cold, what is the likely diagnosis?

Answer: An invasion of Wind-Cold.

() 부긴(浮緊)이고 감기에 걸렸다고 한다면 가능한 진단은?

() 풍한(風寒)감기의 침습


5-36. What does a Deep and Weak pulse indicate?

Answer: Qi and Yang deficiency.

침약맥(沉弱脈) 의미하는 것은?

() 기허(氣虛)   양허(陽虛)


5-37. What are the indications of a pulse that is Slow and Weak, and a pulse that is Slow and Full?

Answer: Slow and Weak: Empty-Cold (Yang deficiency); Slow and Full: Full-Cold.

지약맥(遲弱脈) 지실맥(遲實脈) 각각 의미하는 것은?

() 지약맥(遲弱脈) 허한(虛寒) , 양허(陽虛); 지실맥(遲實脈) 실한(實寒)


5-38. Which qualities would one expect to feel on a patient with symptoms of apparent Yin deficiency with Empty-Heat?

Answer: Rapid and Floating-Empty.

뚜렷한 음허열(陰虛熱)의 증상이 있는 환자의 맥상(脈象)?

() 부허삭(浮虛數)


5-39. What are the four main indications of a Slippery pulse?

Answer: Phlegm, Dampness, Full Heat, retention of food or pregnancy.

활맥(滑脈) 의미하는 것은?

() (), (), 실열(實熱), 식적(食積), 혹은 임신(姙娠)


5-40. Give the two possible indications of a Fine pulse.

Answer: Blood deficiency or Dampness with severe Qi deficiency.

세맥(細脈)이 의미하는 두 가지의 가능성은?

() 혈허(血虛) 혹은 심()한 기허(氣虛)로 인한 습()